Collation of OPD Data for PLA book draft


May 29, 2023

Week -1

DAY 1 - MONDAY (29/03/23)

[5/29, 09:44] +91 77802 85086: 



k/c/o pulmonary kochs with right upper lobe cavity with type 2 DM since 8 years  on ATT drugs since 10 days, Zoryl MV 1 ( PO/OD)

patient came for follow up

c/o dry cough since 10fays

c/o vomitings 2-3 episodes , non bilestained , non projectile contains food particles since 10 days

decreased appetite since 10 days


RS- trachea deviated to right side , on percussion  dullness present decreased breath sounds on right  supraclavicular and infraclavicular regions, infraclavicular crepts ( inspiratory )

advised for admission for further investigation,  patient will admit after 2 weeks

[5/29, 09:45] Dr. Rakesh Biswas GM: Please share her case report and PaJR group link from her last admission

[5/29, 09:47] Dr. Rakesh Biswas GM: AsK her to keep updating her hourly activities (energy expenditure) and food plates (energy intake) daily in her PaJR group. Teach her how to do it keeping herself deidentified

[5/29, 09:52] +91 6303 667 948: Follow this link to join my WhatsApp group:

[5/29, 09:57] Dr. Rakesh Biswas GM: PLA R: Chronic abdominal pain spectrum and the clinical case report as the most valuable test in the opd

[5/29, 9:48 AM] Muskaan Goyal 2017 Kims: Sir I have taken the detailed history' with daily routine of the patient before illness ..i will type it into a case history and put in a while

[5/29, 9:49 AM] Rakesh Biswas: Sharing patient and institutional identifiers in social media 😳

[5/29, 9:50 AM] Rakesh Biswas: Delete this asap @⁨Lohith Sir GM⁩

[5/29, 9:52 AM] Rakesh Biswas: Good. Looking forward to that link which the patient should be able to appreciate as the best test report he has ever seen in his life! 

Also add the images of his previous reports there. 

Prepare the case report of every patient in the opd in this manner

[5/29, 9:53 AM] Muskaan Goyal 2017 Kims: Sir he doesn't have the previous reports..he apparently lost them

[5/29, 9:54 AM] Rakesh Biswas: OK no issues. Just write whatever he remembers about them in the history events

[5/29, 9:54 AM] Muskaan Goyal 2017 Kims: Okay sir

[5/29, 09:58] +91 77802 85086: 63M


k/c/o DM since 3 years came for follow up on Tab.metformkn 500mg

Mason by occupation 

c/o giddiness yesterday evening lasted  for 5 mins relieved after taking rest

,came for regular check up of his sugars in view of giddiness 

H/o heart disease (unknown) since 4 years used medication for about 1-2 months then stopped

no postural drop , supine - 100/60  standing 90/70

rombergs negative

dix hallpike negative

cVs- no murmurs,s1,s2+

[5/29, 10:02] Muskaan: 20210114280


Pt is a k/c/o Hypothyroidism since 6 months and is on Tab. Thyronorm 12.5mg /Po/OD came for follow up

C/o hairfall since 2years and weight gain since 3months

No c/o cold intolerance, difficulty in swallowing

N/k/c/o HTN , DM , CVA,  CAD , TB ,asthma

CVS- S1 s2 heard , no added murmurs 

RS -  BAE+ NVBS heard

On pt request TFT advised 

Advised for admission but ot is not willing aa she has to go for work.

[5/29, 10:08] Dr. Rakesh Biswas GM: AsK everyone to come back for the most important test, which is their meticulous case report. No tests will be ordered before that test 

Don't do any tests on patient request without asking here @⁨Lohith Sir GM⁩ @⁨~Keerthi Madireddi⁩

[5/29, 10:09] Dr. Rakesh Biswas GM: Demonstrate today's update for her in this group hourly expenditure and inputs

[5/29, 10:09] +91 99081 59666: Okay sir

[5/29, 10:15] +91 77802 85086: 73 F

op no : 20230546756

c/o pain in left upper molar teeth 3 months back relieved by medication recommended by dentist for 10 days, the pain  has recurred  again  radiated to left side of face associated with tingling sensation , tingling sensation in tongue ,nose 

c/o restriction of movements in shoulder joint painful 

o/ e , caries present in left upper molar and premolars

flexion : restricted up to 60 degrees

external rotation restricts and painful 

abduction upto 15 degrees

adduction normal

Both active and passive movements restricted 

rounded shoulder 

no h/o trauma

bilateral  knee pains since 2- 3 years

k/c/o DM since 20 years on voglibose and glimiperide and metformin

advised admission for further evaluation, not willing to admit,  will come back after 2 days.

[5/29, 10:17] Dr. Rakesh Biswas GM: Clinical images, case report and PaJR please

[5/29, 10:17] Muskaan: 20230546734


Pt came with complaints of diffuse headache , intermittent type , severe associated with neck pain and nausea since 3 months

Headache present for 2-3 days a week which is disabling her daily routine , releived on taking painkillers .

No photophobia , earpain , cold , cough 

N/k/c/o HTN , DM type 2 , CVA ,CAD , TB ,ATHMA

O/E : 

No pallor 

CVS: S1 s2 heard 

RS: BAE + , no added sounds

BP: 90/60mmhg 

Pt advised for admission, but is not prepared to admit now , willing to admit if symptoms don't subside.

[5/29, 10:19] Dr. Rakesh Biswas GM: Clinical images, case report and PaJR please

Tell them that the above is the most important test even after admission and they can get it done here as well

[5/29, 10:20] Dr. Rakesh Biswas GM: PaJR initiation checklist:

1) History sequence of events link in description box 

2) Clinical images of visceral fat and muscle mass (preferably standing lateral and ap views) 

3) Available Radiology of the patient's problem (anatomic diagnosis) 

4) Available electrophysiology (physio-logic diagnosis) 

5) Relevant blood and fluid biochemistry (biochemical diagnosis) 

6) Representative image in the DP 

7) Patient project description (each and every PaJR is part of a ProJR). ProJR is project journey record that contains many PaJRs

8) Title : Age, gender example 26M Involuntary movements (always mention duration), Telangana, PaJR

[5/29, 10:21] Dr. Rakesh Biswas GM: This group is to improve our OPD competences and performance through regular logging of every patient visiting us in the daily OPD by our interns and students. Senior residents posted to the OPD for that day will be responsible for supervising this daily there

For every opd patient shared here :

Please share their 

Sequence of events beginning with the time they had absolutely no problems they can recall. 

AsK what was their routine when they were perfectly alright 

Next ask what happened to their routine once the disease took hold on their lives 

Specifically ask which part of their hourly routine was disrupted 

Ask them their current requirements from us like if we had to give them a single medicine which problem would they prefer it to address 

Take their examination findings with images of visceral fat and muscle mass for everyone among other more specific findings 

Prepare their problem list and perceived requirements list in order of priority 

Formulate a plan for each one of the problem requirements you have listed

More here :

[5/29, 10:42] Muskaan: 20230546813


Pt came with c/o bloating sensation since 5 days.

Aggravated after eating food especially after spicy food 

Belching present since 4-5 days

No c/o regurgitation of food


CVS - S1 s2 heard

RS- B/L air entry + , no added sounds

Pt advised for admission but Willing to come.back if symptoms don't subside 

Treatment given:

1. Advised to stop having spicy and oily food

2. Advised for lifestyle modification

3. Tab. Pan 40mg PO/ OD at 7 am ( before food)  for 7 days

[5/29, 10:53] +91 77802 85086: 19F


complaints of weight gain since 2 months 3 - 4kgs in 2 months

easy fatiguability since 2 months 

palpitations ( grade 2)since 2 months intermittent , relieved after taking rest 

patient was apparantly alright 4 months then she had complaints of weight gain , she approached a doctor , doctor recommended thyronorm 100  microgram, for normal tsh, decreased t3,t4  , for her hairloss and weight goin

on examination , palpable thyroid moving on deglutition

BP -110/70

Pr -96 bpm


advised admission for her complete thyroid evaluation , not willing to admit .

[5/29, 11:25] Dr. Rakesh Biswas GM: Admission is advised not for laboratory testing but for a detailed clinical history taking and clinical examination reflected in the patient's deidentified case report and also to train them to share their daily activities and potential disease risk exposure in their PaJR groups

[5/29, 11:30] Dr. Rakesh Biswas GM: By 31'st may, all 2018 students taking the medicine practical exams as well as currently doing their internship will need to share a summary of their logged learning experiences in medicine department introduced through their unique personal practical patient  experience narrative with detailed patient follow up data in links to their logged case report entries beginning with their very first practical patient experience when they had their first posting in medicine department and they initiated their logbook entries (into their online learning portfolios for the first time). 

This is for their internal assessment toward final exam assessments as well as internship completion. 

Sharing below a few samples already submitted that others may improvise on. Their unique individual work should be reflected and marks will be deducted if any kind of plagiarism is detected. 

2018 submitted sample links in no particular order :

[5/29, 12:03] +91 77802 85086: 45F

street vendor by occupation , works in a tea shop usually wakes up at 4 o clock does house hold chores and goes to shop , does cooking , she used to eat a lot of bajjis and drink lots of tea for 5 years, after she started having belching symptom and stopped eating .

complaints of neck pain and giddiness since 2 days aggravated on standing up , position variation, sitting up associated with nausea.

h/o giddiness  2 years back relieved by taking medication ,sudden onset intermitten in nature 

history of gastritis 2 years ago on omeprazole 

rombergs negative

no postural hypotension

Dix hallpike positive with no latency, left ear , rotational nystagmus +ve supine-120/80

standing bp -120 /80

treatment - epleys manoeuvre  done

[5/29, 12:10] Muskaan: 20230546347


Referal from  opthalmology  i/v/o vertigo

Pt c/o spinning sensation of head since 5 days , intermittent in nature 

No h/o similar complaints in the past 

No c/o buzzing sensation of head, earache , giddiness , nausea , positional change.


BP:  120/80mmhg

Dixhalpike method - negative

Cerebellar signs negative

Treatment given Tab.vertin 8mg PO/OD/ 8 am for 1 week

[5/29, 12:34] +91 77802 85086: 20230547355


complaints of chest pain since 5 days,burning type, retrosternal radiating to back not associated with sweating sob,palpitations,syncopal attacks,

no h/o trauma

no local tenderness

bilateral pedal edema since 5 days pitting type until knees, facial puffiness present 

no h/o decreased urinary output 

on examination  

no Piccl 

no jvp 

apical impulse lateral to mid clavicular line in 5th intercoastal space

clinical case of hypertension

since  5 years o  telma40mg

clinical case of hypothyroidism since 5 years  thyronorm 100mcg

patient  advised for cardiac evaluation, willing to admit after 1 week .

[5/29, 12:52] Muskaan: 20230547409 


Pt came with c/o burning sensation in epigastric region since 1 year increased since 3 months

Increased burning after intake of food , intake of spicy food and oily food

Bloating present

Belching present

No regurgitation of food 

No h/o vomitings , losse stools , constipation

Occasionally takes 1 beer , no increase in symptoms after intake of alcohol

CVS S1 s2 heard

RS:  BAE+ no added sounds

BP: 120/80mmhg

Pt advised admission but Willing to admit if symptoms not subsiding.

Dx : acid peptic disease

Rx :

Avoid oily , spicy food

Tab. Razo-o po/before breakfast for 7 days

[5/29, 14:42] Dr. Rakesh Biswas GM: What is the efficacy of beta histine in vertigo? Any RCTs?

[5/29, 14:43] Dr. Rakesh Biswas GM: What do you mean advised cardiac evaluation!!?

What is your cardiac evaluation?

[5/29, 15:17] Muskaan: 20230547281 


Pt c/o productive cough with mucoid sputum since 10-15 days 

Sputum yellowish in color

Cough is intermittent in nature

Burning sensation of chest present which aggravated after cough

Belching present 

No h/o fever , cold

C/o neck pain since 1 year non radiating type 

H/o lifting heavy weights present since 20 years


CVS: S1 s2 heard

RS : bilateral air entry present no added sounds 

No exposure to dust and cold 

Pt advised for admission , willing to come and get admitted tomorrow.

[5/29, 15:21] Muskaan: 20210427845


C/o low backache since 3 days 

Aggravated on bending down 

H/o weight lifting since 20 years 

H/o similar complaints since 2-3 years 

K/c/o HTN since 7-8 months , on Tab. Telma 40mg /po/of


O/E :

 Mild tenderness present 


 Avoid lifting heavy weights

Tab. Hifenac -MR for 3 days

[5/29, 15:22] Dr. Rakesh Biswas GM: Metapsych thesis bed number death May 2023

[5/29, 15:29] Muskaan: 20230547828

41 F

Pt came with c/o 

Fever since 1 week

Generalized body pains since 1 week

Bloating and indigestion since 1 week 

Fever sudden in onset , high grade , intermittent releived on medication and tepid sponging , no diural variation.

Not associated with vomitings

Abdominal pain present in umbilical region , increased on lifting heavy weights ( farmer by occupation)

C/ o constipation since 2 years 

K/c/o abdominal TB 2-3 years back for which used medication for 1 year 

H/o hysterectomy and appendectomy 5 years back i/v/o fibroid uterus and appendicitis

N/k/c/o HTN DM CVA CAD,  pulmonary TB,  ATHMA, epilepsy

CVS S1 s2 heard


Pt advised admission and willing to admit tomorrow

[5/29, 15:34] Muskaan: 20230547841 


C/o SOB since 2 months

Sudden , progressed from grade 3 to grade 4 , orthopnea present , PND present 

No h/o chest pain , palpitations

H/i pedal edema  since 2-3 days , pitting type extending upto kneee bilateral

No h/o burning micturation, vomiting or decreased urine output


Uses Tab. Pan 40mg since 2-3 years i/v/o acid peptic disease

CVS S1 s2 heard


BP: 120/80 mmHg

Bilateral pitting type pedal edema present

JVP raised 

Pt sent for ECG

[5/29, 15:40] Muskaan: 20230547874


C/o abdominal bloating since 2 days

C/i decreased appetite since 10 days

C/o SOB since yesterday grade 3 

Orthopnea present

PND present

Alcoholic since 13 years 

First 10 years used to take occasionally

Since 3 years regular alcohol intake  90ml daily

K/c/o DM 2 since 3 years on Tab. Metformin 500mg po/bd 

Hb: 6.6 gm/dl

Sr. Bilirubin -4.97mg/dl

Usg abdomen - hepatomegaly with grade 2 hepatic steatosis

B/l renal calculi ( non obstructive ) 

O/e ; 

Icterus present

CVS S1 s2 heard


P/A : shifting dullness absent

Pt admitted in AMC

[5/29, 15:47] Muskaan: 20230547865


H/o syncopal attack today morning for 2-3 mins

 No loss of consciousness

Giddiness absent nausea absent

No headache , nystagmus , generalized weakness, dizziness 

No involuntary movements present 

C/o productive cough since 1 month with mucoid sputum

No c/o fever , cold

No h/o similar complaints in the past 

N/k/c/o HTN DM CVA CAD TB ATHMA Epilepsy 


CVS S1 s2 heard

RS BAE present  no added sounds

Orthostatic hypotension present 

( Supine - 120/70 mmHg 

Post 3 mins - 90/60mmhg 

Giddiness present at 2min)

Pt sent for ECG

[5/29, 15:51] Dr. Rakesh Biswas GM: This is an image of Bed number 3 taken right now,currently ascribed the bad name that has created a metapsychosis among staff who kept it empty most of the time this month. Good news about this bed today is that a patient who was admitted in bed 3 this Saturday got released to the ward yesterday Sunday 6 PM and is doing fine today. Another patient who got admitted yesterday Sunday at 11AM was allotted bed 6 (as bed 3 was occupied by the patient who is still living well) and he died in bed 6 at 2:48 PM . Notes from the metapsych thesis lab ICU

[5/29, 19:45] Dr. Rakesh Biswas GM: @⁨Lohith Sir GM⁩ How many seen and how many admitted today?

[5/29, 19:50] Lohith Sir GM: 30 were seen and 1 admission sir

DAY 2 - TUESDAY (30/5/23)

[5/30, 09:44] Dr. Rakesh Biswas GM: "Gradually, I began to see the source of my suffering. In bits and pieces, the program that had driven my life and ambitions revealed itself. I reached into the toolbox of techniques and methods I'd collected, finally applying them to the root of the problem instead of seeking to create a better version of myself. The most important insight was to see that our suffering comes from an inability to differentiate between:

1. Data

2. Narrative"

More here :

[5/30, 10:17] +91 6303 667 948: 20230548191

30 M  came to OPD with c/o chest pain since 1 mn. Dragging type of pain,sudden in onset, relieved automatically in 2 -3 mins,non radiating pain.

-SOB since 2 mins Grade 2( MMRC) releived by taking rest .

No orthopnea,NO PND

NO fever,cold,cough

NO pedal edema,JVP not raised

Past history -



Pt is c/c/c

Moderately built and nourished


BP: 120/80 mmhg

PR: 82 bpm

RR: 16cpm



CVS - S1S2 heard , no murmurs


P/A - soft and non tender.

[5/30, 10:44] Neha T KIMS: 20210111893

54 y/M came with c/o left shoulder pain since 20 days and chest pain since 20 days 

Shortness of breath since 20 days, Grade 2 MMRC

Chest pain is sudden in onset, dragging type of pain, non radiating, lasts for 1 hour and relieved spontaneously

Left shoulder pain present on abduction

C/o dribbling of urine and hesitancy since 10 days 

Past history: Not a known case of DMII, HTN,TB,epilepsy,CVA,CAD


Patient is c/c/c

BP: 140/90 mmHg

PR: 88 bpm

RR: 16 cpm

No pedal edema, JVP not raised 



CVS - S1S2 heard , no murmurs


P/A - soft and non tender.

[5/30, 10:53] Neha T KIMS: 20230548193

22y/F came with c/o headache since 6 months

Diffuse headache, pricking type of pain which lasts for 1 week a/w nausea but no vomitings

No photophobia

C/o Neck pain since 6 months

No restriction of movements

C/o tingling sensation of bilateral lower limbs since 6 months and tingling sensation of right hand while doing heavy work.

Past history: Not a known case of DMII, HTN,TB,epilepsy,CVA,CAD, thyroid abnormalities.


Patient is c/c/c

BP: 110/70 mmHg

PR: 64 bpm

RR: 12 cpm



CVS - S1S2 heard , no murmurs


P/A - soft and non tender.

[5/30, 11:03] Dr. Rakesh Biswas GM: This is the shortest duration of illness in the history of history taking!! @⁨Lohith Sir GM⁩ @⁨~Keerthi Madireddi⁩ Are we confusing months with minutes? 

Please skip the negative narrative and save on your typing time

Just give us the positive data!

[5/30, 11:04] Dr. Rakesh Biswas GM: What happened after that @⁨~Basani Sravanthi⁩!!??

[5/30, 11:06] Dr. Rakesh Biswas GM: What happened next? What did you do?

[5/30, 11:06] Dr. Rakesh Biswas GM: What happened next? What did you do?

[5/30, 11:08] +91 6303 667 948: SOB since 2 months **

[5/30, 11:36] Dr. Rakesh Biswas GM: 👆

[5/30, 11:40] +91 6303 667 948: Advised ECG sir

[5/30, 11:48] Dr. Rakesh Biswas GM: Show the ECg

[5/30, 12:06] +91 6303 667 948: 20230549098

70 M  came to OPD with c/o burning micturition since  5 months , intermittent.

H/o fever 1mn back ? Dengue ? Low platlet count

H/o ? Renal infection ? CKD 5 months back used medication stopped since 1month.

Past history -

K/c/o HTN since 5- 6 years on medication.



Pt is c/c/c

Moderately built and nourished


BP: 130/80 mmhg

PR: 60 bpm

RR: 16cpm



CVS - S1S2 heard , no murmurs


P/A - soft and non tender.

Patient is advised for admission,but not willing for admission.

[5/30, 12:07] Neha T KIMS: 20230549091

50y/F came to OPD with c/o right sided  headache since 2 months.

Headache is on the right frontal side associated with nausea and vomiting.

No photophobia, phonophobia

Decreased sleep due to headache.


Patient is c/c/c

BP: 100/80 mmHg

PR: 74 bpm

RR: 12 cpm



CVS - S1S2 heard , no murmurs


P/A - soft and non tender.

Advised: 1) T. NAXDOM 250 mg PO/BD X 5 days 

2) T. ULTRACET 1/2 tab PO/QID

[5/30, 12:22] Neha T KIMS: 20230549125

57y/F came to OPD with c/o Shortness of breath since 15 days 

SOB was grade 2, no orthopnea or PND

Palpitations present, pedal edema, pitting type since 2 days

JVP not raised, no decreased urine output 

K/c/o Hypertension since 3 years on Tab. TELMA H


Patient is c/c/c

BP: 130/80 mmHg

PR: 80 bpm

RR: 16 cpm



CVS - S1S2 heard , no murmurs


P/A - soft and non tender.

Advised admission, patient getting admitted under unit 2.

[5/30, 12:50] Neha T KIMS: 20210417751

37y/M came with c/o left loin pain since 1 week 

Pain is pricking type, radiating to left iliac region, aggrevated on doing work and relieved automatically.

It is associated with burning micturition since 1 week 

Associated with nausea but no episodes of vomiting.

No decreased urine output, no fever, cold or cough.


Patient is c/c/c

BP: 110/70 mmHg

PR: 80 bpm

RR: 16 cpm



CVS - S1S2 heard , no murmurs


P/A - soft and non tender.

Advised for admission for investigations but patient is not willing.

[5/30, 12:57] +91 6303 667 948: 20230549131

80 M  came to OPD with c/o grade 2 ,3 since 10 days, more on lying.

No wheeze

No pedal edema ,normal urine output.

? Vertigo ( on betahistin ,

                   On clonazepam, propranolol )

 H/o 10 days back fever .       

- ex smoker ( stopped 10 yrs back).        

- drinks toddy occasionally.

Past history -

K/c/o HTN and DM  since 8 years.



Pt is c/c/c

Moderately built and nourished


BP: 130/80 mmhg

PR:  102 bpm

RR: 20cpm



CVS - S1S2 heard , no murmurs


P/A - soft and non tender.

Patient is advised for admission, patient is getting admitted .

[5/30, 13:41] Neha T KIMS: 20230549631

65y/F came to OPD with c/o generalized weakness and giddiness since 4 days 

Episode of (?)loss of consciousness for 5 minutes, 4 days back

Decreased appetite 

No photophobia, no phonophobia 

Past history: h/o epilepsy since 12 years on T. EPTOIN. Last episode 3 months back and then started on T. LEVIPIL 250 mg BD

H/o Left femur fracture with implant 9 months back due to fall after ?vasovagal syncope


Patient is c/c/c

BP: 120/70 mmHg

PR: 80 bpm

RR: 16 cpm



CVS - S1S2 heard , no murmurs


P/A - soft and non tender.

Patient adviced for admission

[5/30, 15:08] +91 6303 667 948: 20230549173

55F  came to OPD with c/o pedal edema (putting type ,SOB ( grade 4 ) since 5 days.

Decreased urine output, burning micturition since 5 days.

Dribbling of urine +

Past history -



Pt is c/c/c

Moderately built and nourished


BP: 130/80 mmhg

PR: 80 bpm

RR: 20cpm



CVS - S1S2 heard , no murmurs


P/A - soft and non tender.

Patient is advised for admission, patient is getting admitted .

[5/30, 15:32] Neha T KIMS: 20230549658

65y/M came with c/o burning sensation in both feet since 1 year

Low backache since 1 year

Giddiness since 2 weeks

Patient is a known case of hypertension since 4 years and on regular medication of T. AMLONG 5 mg PO/OD and T.ATENOLOL 50 mg PO/OD

Not a known case of DM, TB, asthma, epilepsy,CAD,CVA


Patient is c/c/c

BP: 100/60 mmHg

PR: 78 bpm

RR: 16 cpm



CVS - S1S2 heard , no murmurs


P/A - soft and non tender.

No nystagmus, no tinnitus

Patient adviced for admission but not willing.

[5/30, 16:07] +91 6303 667 948: 20230549656 

39 F  came to OPD with c/o headache right sided since 6 months. Pricking type of pain.

Nausea - 

Vomiting -

Photophobia -

Phonophobia -

Past history:

H/o trauma to head (RTA).

No LOC,No involuntary movements 

CT scan - ? Multiple calcified granulomatous lesion.( On levipil 250 mg BD).



Pt is c/c/c

Moderately built and nourished


BP: 90/70 mmhg

PR: 80 bpm

RR: 16cpm



CVS - S1S2 heard , no murmurs


P/A - soft and non tender.

Patient is advised for admission,  but not willing for admission.

[5/30, 16:17] Dr. Rakesh Biswas GM: @⁨Lohith Sir GM⁩ opd stats?

[5/30, 16:20] Lohith Sir GM: Around 30 patients were seen and 4 admissions sir

DAY 3 - Wednesday ( 31/5/23)

[5/31, 10:29] Dr. Rakesh Biswas GM:

[5/31, 10:24 AM] Patient Adv 24F Diabetes Metabolic: Sir hum lok 2nambar  gate ke bahar ha

[5/31, 10:24 AM] Patient Adv 24F Diabetes Metabolic: Kaha jay ab

[5/31, 10:26 AM] Rakesh Biswas: @⁨~Keerthi Madireddi⁩ @⁨Navya Maam  Medicine⁩ This long distance patient's advocate is waiting outside gate number 2

Please help them to reach opd and get admitted asap in the ward of their choice

[5/31, 10:26 AM] Keerthi 2021 Kims Pg: okay sir

[5/31, 10:29] Dr. Rakesh Biswas GM: @⁨Lohith Sir GM⁩ @⁨~A.R.T.TEJASRI⁩ No patients seen till 10:30 AM?

[5/31, 10:50] Manasa Kims: Op no-12

19 years old girl came to the opd with c/o dragging type of pain in both lower limbs from knees to ankles since 2months

H/o giddiness in the past (on&off)

Patient walking a/w tingling and numbness in calf region since 2months

H/o headache (occipital region) on&off since 1month while reading ,driving ,exam, revelied on its own

No c/o lower back ache 

N/k/c/o DM,HTN,Asthma,epilepsy, TB


Pt is c/c/c





Patient advised for admission but not willing to get admitted

[5/31, 11:05] Manasa Kims: Op no-8

29 years old malecame to the opd with c/o chest pain since 15days

, c/o lower abdomen pain since 2days on& off

Hopi- chest pain was shooting type lasts for 2-3min,non radiating ,aggravated on working,bending forward, relieved spontaneously without any medication

No c/o difficulty on breathing, chest heaviness, 

No c/o burning mictirition; fever

N/k/c/o DM,HTN,Asthma,epilepsy, TB

Tenderness present in the 2nd ,3rd IC space


Pt is c/c/c





Patient advised for admission but not willing to get admitted

[5/31, 11:12] Dr. Rakesh Biswas GM: Please discuss every patient with the senior residents onsite and share here what they are advising to help the patients even if the patient doesn't want to get admitted

[5/31, 11:16] Manasa Kims: Op no-5

35 yrs old lady with c/o left lower backache radiating to left leg on&off since 1month , left lower limb swelling (after sitting for 2hrs)

C/o lower abdominal pain since 1yr

C/o burning sensation in the chest since 6months

C/o burning micturtion since 1month a/W LOWER BACK ache

No c/o chest heaviness, palpitations,chest pain

K/c/o hyperthyroidism since 2nd pregnancy 2018

N/k/c/o DM,HTN, asthma,epilepsy,CVD


Pt is c/c/c


Bp 100/70


PR 78

Cvs - s1s2 present ,no murmurs

Rs- Bae+

P/a soft,non tender


Patient advised for admission but not willing to admit

[5/31, 11:33] Manasa Kims: Op no-5

65 yrs old male with c/o lower back pain on both sides since 6yrs,dragging type ,intermittent,non radiating aggravated on working, no relieving factors.

C/o tingling sensation on face since 4years, c/o burning sensation in the sole since 4years

H/o vomiting 2days back3episodes ,non bilious, non projectile,food as content

No h/o fever,cough,cold,burning micturition

N/k/c/o DM,HTN, jasthma,epilepsy,CVD

Pt drinks alcohol stopped 20yrs back


Pt is c/c/c


Bp 130/80


PR 80

SLRT -ve

Para spinal tenderness +

Diagnosis :-?musculosketal 

I/v/o gastritis , paraesthesia of face &sole ,Patient advised for admission but not willing to admit

[5/31, 11:45] Manasa Kims: Op no-17

80 years old male with c/o difficulty in breathing, chest tightness after eating since 15days

Decreased appetite since 15days

Generalized weakness since 15days

No c/o fever,cough cold,burning micturition,pain abdomen

N/k/c/o DM,HTN, asthma,CVD,epilepsy






Spo2 -96


P/a-soft, non tender

I/v/o sob, Patient advised for admission,but not willing to admit

[5/31, 11:55] Manasa Kims: Op no-19

32yrs old lady with c/o left side lower back ache since 20days, stabbing type, radiating to front , aggravated on working, no relieving factors

C/o burning micturition, increased frequency of micturtion since 15days

H/o right sided kidney stones 4months back

No c/o fever, cold ,cough,pain abdomen

C/o increased bleeding during menses since 4months

N/k/c/o DM,HTN,asthma,epilepsy,CVD,thyroid

Pallor +


Paraspinal tenderness +

I/v/o further evaluation of lower back pain patient advised for admission but not willing to admit

[5/31, 12:11] Manasa Kims: Op no -16

55yrs old male with c/o altered behavior ,slurring of speech since morning 9am

Patient had done his own work in the morning

C/o left lower limb weakness since morning

c/o cough not a/w sputum

K/c/o HTN since 3years on medication

N/k/c/o DM,asthma,epilepsy


Gcs - E4v2m6


Hypotonia left lower limb

Reflexes except ankle other +++

Left Lower limb muscle power -0/5

Patient advised for admission,they are willing to admit

[5/31, 12:24] Manasa Kims: Op no-16

18 yrs old boy with c/o headache  since 2weeks,b/l band type of headache, continuous,aggravated on usage of phone,relieved on medication a/w  dragging type of pain in neck

NoH/o photophobia,phonophobia,vomitings, nausea,giddiness,sleep disturbance

C/o difficulty in breathing at night since 2days

No c/o fever,cold,cough

N/k/c/o DM,HTN,asthma,tb,epilepsy




Diagnosis -headache secondary to stress,?inadequate sleep

Patient advised for admission but not willing to admit

[5/31, 12:34] Manasa Kims: Op no-30

34 years old male with c/o upper abdominal pain ,chest tightness,back pain since 2days

Pain in epigastric region ,shooting type,radiating to left side of chest and left shoulder,aggravated on bending forward,not relieved on medication

Chest tightness a/w sob on walking for 1hr

Palpitations +

No c/o fever,cold,vomiting,burning micturition

N/k/c/o DM,HTN, asthma,epilepsy,cvd





P/A - soft, tenderness + in epigastric region


Patient advised for admission I/v/o sob, pain abdomen but not willing to admit

[5/31, 12:52] Manasa Kims: Op no -22

37 years old female with c/o pain in left upper limb since:4 day's.

Dragging type of  pain ,aggrevating on working,

C/o burning micturition.

H/o Hypothyroidism since 9 yrs.

On regular medication thyronorm  75mcg.

N/k/c/o DM ,Htn,asthma,epilepsy,CVD


Tenderness + in  forearm.

B.P: 120/70 mmHg


CVS: s1s2 +



P/A: soft,nT

Patient advised for admission but not willing to admit

[5/31, 13:13] Manasa Kims: Op no - 29 

A 38 year old male came with c/o chest pain and pain in the upper abdomen since 4 months 

*Retrosternal burning sensation,neck pain, dyspnea since 4 months 

K/c/o hypertension since 5 years and on regular  medication 

N/k/c/o DM, thyroid disorders,asthma, epilepsy, CVA,CAD.

O/E :

Pt is c/c/c


BP: 140/70 mmHg

RR:18 cpm

CVS : S1S2 +



P/A : soft, tenderness + in epigastric region

Patient advised for admission but not willing to admit

[5/31, 14:41] Manasa Kims: 40 years old lady with c/o headache since 1month ,B/L,pricking type,intermittent (on&off),no aggravating &relieving factors.

C/o neck pain since 1month(dragging type)

No c/o photophobia, phonophobia,nausea,vomitings

Sleep disturbance +

C/o pedal edema since 1week ,pitting type,a/w puffiness of face on the morning,relieved later

No h/o decreased urine output,burning micturition,sob,fever

N/k/c/o HTN,DM, epilepsy,CVA,cad,thyroid



BP-120/70 (supine)


CVS- s1s2+,no murmurs


P/a -soft,non tender


Patient advised for admission but not willing to admit

[5/31, 14:59] Manasa Kims: 28 years old male with c/o nausea since yesterday

Appetite normal

Weakness +,easyfatiguability+

C/o fever low grade since yesterday

No c/o ,cold,cough,pain abdomen, vomitings

Similar complaints present 1week back

C/o body pains since 2-3days

C/o pain abdomen since yesterday morning(Right hypochondrium,rt&Lt iliac fossa, right lumbar ,epigastric region)

N/k/c/o HTN,DM,thyroid,asthma,epilepsy,CVD


Pt is c/c/c

A febrile




P/a -soft, tenderness + in Right hypochondrium,rt&Lt iliac fossa, right lumbar ,epigastric region


Patient advised for admission i/v/o pain abdomen but not willing to admit

[5/31, 15:06] Priyarsha 2k18 Kims: A 19 year old male came with c/o headache which is b/l in occipital region since 5 days 

Generalized weakness since 1 month

N/H/O aura,photophobia,


H/o significant weight loss ( 8 kgs in 6 months)

Appetite - normal 

N/H/O fever, cough,sob

H/o easy fatiguability

N/H/O herbal medication

N/k/o DM,HTN,thyroid disorders, seizures


Pt is c/c/c 


PR: 82/min

BP:100/60 mmHg




P/A : soft,nt

Patient advised for admission but not willing to admit

[5/31, 15:12] Manasa Kims: 29 years old female with c/o epigastric & chest pain on left side since 3days, continuous ,dragging type, non radiating ,no aggravating &relieving factors

C/o heaviness in the chest,sob since morning

No h/o indigestion,dyspepsia,regurgitation,heavy sweating,vomitings, 

C/o pain the scapular region since 3days


Tenderness + 2nd ICS, left shoulder joint 

Pain +when abduction &external rotation .

Patient advised for admission but not willing to admit

[5/31, 15:24] Priyarsha 2k18 Kims: A 36 year old female came with c/o right upper quadrant pain since 10 days

Mass per abdomen in right hypochondrium.

Pain radiating to right shoulder

H/o ? hemangioma and cysts in the liver 

H/o ocassional left flank pain radiating to groin and left lower limb

B/l Chest pain which is non radiating and tenderness is present on palpation 


Pt is c/c/c


PR:84 bpm

BP: 100/60 mmHg

CVS:S1S2+,no murmurs



P/A: soft ,tenderness present in right hypochondrium

Patient advised for admission but not willing to admit

[5/31, 15:50] Manasa Kims: 38 years old female with c/o bleeding from gums since 1year, intermittent, not a/w pain,

A/w pus discharge, perioral itching

No fever,cold,cough

H/o bad odour from the mouth

C/o headache in fronal region & near eye brows since 3-4years on&off

Photophobia +


No h/o sob, pedal edema,giddiness


Tenderness +at  frontal sinus ,maxillary sinus region

Patient advised for admission but not willing to admit

[5/31, 15:53] Priyarsha 2k18 Kims: A 42 year old female who is a  K/c/o hypothyroidism since 4 years on Tab THYRONORM 150 mg po/od

c/o neck pain since 1 week radiating to upper limb 

Itching sensation all over the body 

N/h/o fever, cough,pain abdomen, vomiting,change in urine colour or stools

N/h/o headache,chest pain,sob

N/k/c/o DM thyroid disorders, HTN seizures 


Pt is c/c/c



BP: 130/80 mmHg

CVS:S1S2+,no murmurs



P/A : soft,nt

Patient advised for admission but not willing to admit

[5/31, 15:58] Priyarsha 2k18 Kims: A 40 year old female came with c/o headache since 5 months 

Diffuse , dragging type of pain,aggregated on bright light and no relieving factors, radiating to neck on posterior side, associated with aura

No c/o fever, vomiting,cough,cold



N/k/c/o DM,HTN,thyroid disorders,epilepsy,CVA,CAD O/E:

Pt is c/c/c


PR:73 bpm

BP: 110/70 mmHg


CVS:S1S2+,no murmurs



P/A: soft ,nt

Patient advised for admission but not willing to admit

[5/31, 16:11] Manasa Kims: 18 years old girl with c/o chest pain(left & right side).

Pain more after eating spicy food,dragging type, non radiating , relieved on medication

No h/o sob,pedal edema, palpitations,chest tightness, fever,cough,pain abdomen

N/k/c/o HTN,DM,thyroid,asthma,epilepsy,CVD


Pt is c/c/c




CVS- s1s2+,no murmurs


P/a -soft,non tender

CNS -NAD,HMF intact

Patient advised for admission but not willing to admit

[5/31, 16:23] Priyarsha 2k18 Kims: A 36 year old female came with c/o giddiness since 3 months rotational

More on getting up from supine position

N/h/o hearing loss,tinnitus

N/h/o fever, cough,sob, discharge from the ear

N/k/c/o DM ,HTN, thyroid disorders , CAD, CVD , seizures 

Dix hallpike manoeuvre negative 

Supine BP: 110/80 mm Hg

Standing BP : 110/80 mm Hg


Pt is c/c/c


PR:82 bpm

BP: 110/80 mmHg

CVS:S1S2+,no murmurs



P/A: soft ,nt

Patient advised for admission but not willing to admit

[5/31, 19:59] Dr. Rakesh Biswas GM: @⁨Lohith Sir GM⁩ @⁨+91 93985 87059⁩  How many patients seen and how many admitted today?

[5/31, 21:23] +91 99081 59666: 2 admissions from

opd sir

[5/31, 21:36] Dr. Rakesh Biswas GM: How many seen?

[5/31, 21:46] +91 99081 59666: 35 sir

DAY - 4 , Thrusday ( 1/6/23)

[6/1, 10:19] Janhavi Junior Kims: A 20 years old male came with c/o stomach pain since yesterday night , loose stools since yesterday 5 episodes liquid consistency, small volume , non blood stained . 

H/o vomitings since yesterday 1 episode which is non projectile 

Nausea is present 

No H/o fever , body pains , headache. 

N/k/co DM, HTN , thyroid disorders, CAD,CVA, seizures 

O/E : 

Pt is c/c/c 


PR- 88bpm

BP- 100/80 mmHg

CVS- s1s2 heard , no murmurs



P/A-soft , non tender 

Patient advised for admission but not willing to admit

[6/1, 10:33] Dr. Rakesh Biswas GM: Please tell us what your SR or JR did to help the patient and mention their names

[6/1, 10:33] Dr. Rakesh Biswas GM: @⁨+91 93985 87059⁩ @⁨Prachethan Sir Gm⁩ Please ensure that all UGs are by the side of their allotted patients either in ward or opd and the SR will attend to them during ward round or opd.

If any UG is found sitting or loitering aimlessly in the opd or ward without a patient, extensions will be ensured for both UG as well as PG incharge

[6/1, 10:35] Sahithi KIMS: A 70year old female came with c/o B/L pitting type pedal edema since 2 months ( now subsided)

C/o facial puffiness since 20days 

C/o burning sensation in B/L upper and lower limbs since 10days

No burning micturition.

No sob,chest pain.

Normal urine output 

Not a k/ c/o Dm ,htn, thyroid,asthma, epilepsy 




Bp 120/80

PR 82bpm

Cvs - s1s2 heard ,no murmurs



P/A - soft,Non tender

Patient advised for admission but not willing to admit

[6/1, 10:37] Dr. Rakesh Biswas GM: Please tell us what your SR or JR did to help the patient and mention their names

[6/1, 10:38] +91 93985 87059: Ok sir

[6/1, 10:52] Sahithi KIMS: 66yr old male pt came with c/o fever since 10days high grade associated with chills and rigors relieved on taking medication.

No H/o nausea , vomitings

Loose stools present 3 episodes / day very small volume, pus in stools present,solid consistency.

Pain abdomen present relieved on passing stools.

No H/0 cold,cough,headache,sob,body pains 

Not a k/c/0 htn,dm,tb , epilepsy.

Personal H/o:

Alocholic since 30years 90ml/ day

Stopped taking alochol since 10days.

Loss of appetite present 



Pr 60bpm

Patient was advised for admission and patient is getting admitted

Dr keerti mam

Dr Harika mam

[6/1, 10:59] Janhavi Junior Kims: A 67 year old male patient with 

CA Bladder operated 

stars reffered on 30/5/23 from Anaesthesia


I/v/o High Bp, high rbs 

Rbs - 240 

K/c/o HTN since 25 years on tab . Ramipril 5mg OD , tab. Hydrochlorthiazide 12.5 mg 

Tab. Clinidipine 10 mg at 8 pm 

K/c/o DM since 25 years 

T. metformin-1gm BD -

T- Glimiperide 1mg OD

Patient is was followed in WhatsApp by Dr Navya Pgy1


Pt is c/c/c 



BP- 140/80mmHg

CVS: s1,s2 heard ,no Murmurs, 

RS:BAE+, no added sounds ,NVBS,  

P/A: soft, non tender


Adv- patient was advised to continue same OHA i/v/o Grbs below 200 in 7 point profile 

Patient planned for ot on Tuesday 

Will come and get admitted on Friday

[6/1, 11:10] Janhavi Junior Kims: A 20 years old male came with 

c/o vomitings ( 2 episodes ) non projectile with food as content since yesterday night , 

loose stools since yesterday 6 episodes liquid consistency, small volume , non blood stained , non foul smelling. 

Nausea is present 

No H/o fever , body pains , 

H/o headache present 

N/k/co DM, HTN , thyroid disorders, CAD,CVA, seizures 

O/E : 

Pt is c/c/c 


PR- 82bpm

BP- 100/60 mmHg

CVS- s1s2 heard , no murmurs



P/A-soft , non tender 

Patient advised for admission but not willing to admit

[6/1, 11:13] Sahithi KIMS: 38yrs old female c/o swellings on dorsum of b/l lower limbs on and off with watery discharge,resolving with homeopathy medicine.

Swelling initially present with pain.

K/c/o RA since 13yrs on homeopathy since 1 and 1/2 yr

O/E :

Ankle joint :no swelling no deformity

Metatarsal joint painful movement 

Left dorsum foot hyper pigmented and scaly with crusts

Left 2nd MTP painful movement

Rest normal

Hands wrist : wrist right MCP and DIP flexion deformity 

Painful PIP 3rd ,4th and  no swelling

Similar episodes in 2015

H/o raynauds present 

K/c/o hypothyroidism

Advised admission and patient is willing to admit.

[6/1, 11:16] Dr. Rakesh Biswas GM: The previous two posts were much better! 

Please do the same for the above two last posts where you have again not mentioned what was done by our SR and JR to help them

[6/1, 11:19] Sahithi KIMS: Flexion at pip hyperextension at DIp right wrist

[6/1, 11:33] Sahithi KIMS: Husband of the above case 40yrs old male patient came with c/o pricking type of pain on left side of chest (2nd to 5th ICS ) on and off since 1 and  1/2 month.

Lasting for 3sec 

Associated with dragging type of pain in the left upper limb

Occupation: driver


Costochondral tenderness present in 2nd and 5th ICS with pain on abduction and external rotation of left shoulder 

Musculoskeletal pain with? Rotator cuff injury


Bp 130/100

PR 62bpm

RR 16

Cvs: S1 s2 heard



P/A : soft, non tender

Dr keerti mam

Dr Harika mam

[6/1, 12:10] Janhavi Junior Kims: A 50 year old male came with c/o loss of speech since 20 days 

Patient was admitted for the same and discharged as symptoms improved.  

I.e speech improvement as compared to before 

Diagnosis:- recurrent CVA came for follow up 

K/c/o HTN since 5 years, did not take any medication 

DM since 5 years - on insulin ( HAI )

Patient came  for follow up 

O/E : 

Pt is c/c/c 

A febrile 

PR- 78bpm

BP- 150/90mmHg

RR- 16 cpm 

CVS: s1,s2 heard ,no Murmurs, 

RS:BAE+ , no added sounds ,NVBS,  

P/A: soft, non tender


Pt adviced same medication for HTN , DM , CVA

[6/1, 12:12] Janhavi Junior Kims: Seen by 

Dr. Harika ( PGy1) 

Dr. Keerthi(PGy2)

[6/1, 12:29] Sahithi KIMS: A 45yr old patient came for inguinal hernia surgery but on investigations USG was found to have splenomegaly (moderate) 170 mm with dilated portal vein (? Portal hypertension) and pancytopenia

No c/o pain abdomen,petechia/ rash,fever, vomitings, bleeding tendencies,melena,hemetemisis,.

No c/o burning micturition


Non alcoholic

Chronic smoker 2packs/ day

O/ E:

Per abdomen:


Abdomen distended

All quadrants moving equally with respiration 


Spleen palpable 4fingers from costal margin

No hepatomegaly

No scars/ sinuses



Bp 100/60

PR 80bpm

Cvs- s1s2 heard no murmurs



Patient advised for admission and pt is willing to get admit

Seen by

Dr. keerti (PGy2)

Dr .Harika( PGy1)

[6/1, 12:35] Janhavi Junior Kims: A 72 year old female came with c/o loose stools ( 3 episodes per day ) since 2 months which solid in consistency, small in volume associated with pain abdomen 

pus in stool + 

Non blood stained 

No H/o fever , vomitings , nausea , constipation 

Painful defecation present 

Incomplete evacuation of the stool 

K/c/o HTN since 3 years ( on regular medication ) 

N/k/c/o DM , TB, Epilepsy , CVA 


Pt is c/c/c 


PR- 72bpm

BP- 130/80 mmHg 

RR- 14 cpm 

CVS: s1,s2 heard ,no Murmurs, 

RS:BAE+ ,no added sounds ,NVBS,  

P/A: soft, non tender


Pt adviced for admission and pt is not willing to get admitted 

Seen by 

Dr. Keerthi (PGy2)

[6/1, 14:44] Krupa Kims: 30yrs old  Female with 

Complaints of right sided headache since 3 months associated with nausea , photophobia ,phonophobia

N/k/c/o htn,dm, thyroid disorder , cad ,cva

No history of cough, cold, fever ,burning micturition

No history of  palpitations, orthopnea ,pnd.


Daily routine 

6:30am wakes up 

7-9am freshens up and does Household chores 

9 am break fast 

10 am goes to office  

1pm  lunch ( rice +curry)

8 pm returns to home 

10pm dinner 

11 pm goes to sleep

No change in daily routine 


Cvs- s1s2 heard

RS - BAE + , NVBS heard


P/A - soft,nt

Patient is advised for admission but not willing.

[6/1, 14:53] Krupa Kims: 29yrs old male patient came with c/o fever since 7 days high grade not associated with chills rigors relieved on medication

C/o loose stools 7 episodes watery non blood stained associated with pain abdomen 

No vomitings 

C/o epigastric pain (heart burn)

No c/o chest pain palpitations, sob 

No decreased urine output , burning micturition 

K/c/o DM since 6 months 


Patient is c/c/c 


Pr- 74bpm 

BP: 120/80mmhg 

RR - 16cpm 

Cvs:- S1S2 heard, no murmurs 

Rs- BAE present NVBS present

P/A - soft non tender 


Patient adviced for admission and patient is not willing to get admitted 

Seen by 

Dr. Harika (pgy1)

[6/1, 15:11] +91 91007 16817: A 55 year old female came with c/o SOB Grade 3 since 1 year and associated with B/L pedal edema (pitting type)

No H/o decreased urine output

No H/o burning micturition

No Orthopnea


No H/o fever , vomitings , nausea , constipation 

C/o lower backache,radiating to the lower limbs 

Pt gives H/o insect bite ? cellulitis 10 years back ( not giving history properly)

N/k/c/o HTN, DM , TB, Epilepsy , CVA 


Pt is c/c/c 


PR- 84bpm

BP- 130/70mmHg 

RR- 18 cpm 

CVS: s1,s2 heard ,no Murmurs, 

RS:BAE+ ,no added sounds ,NVBS,  

P/A: soft, non tender


Pt adviced for admission and pt is getting admitted 

Seen by 

Dr. Harika(PGy1)

[6/1, 15:28] +91 91007 16817: A 50 year old male came with c/o chest tightness since 2 months c/o SOB since 2 months grade 2 aggravated on excerssion and relieved on rest 

No wheeze

No Orthopnea

No pnd

No complaints of cough chest pain hemoptysis

H/o similar complaints since 6 months 

H/o TB (x ray clinically)  1 year back 

Used ATT for 6 months 

H/o Dm since 1 year on metformin 500mg 

H/o surgery for renal calculi 6 months back 

No H/o fever , vomitings , nausea , constipation 

N/k/c/o HTN, DM , TB, Epilepsy , CVA 


Pt is c/c/c 


PR- 84bpm

BP- 120/90mmHg 

RR- 18 cpm 

CVS: s1,s2 heard ,no Murmurs, 

RS:BAE+ ,no added sounds ,NVBS,  

P/A: soft, non tender


Pt adviced for admission and pt is not willing to get admitted 

Seen by 

Dr. Harika(PGy1)

[6/1, 15:56] +91 91007 16817: A 50 year old male came with c/o unilateral headache right side since 1 year non radiating , pricking type no aggravating and relieving factors

C/o Dizziness since 1 year aggravated on work  and relieved on rest (on and off ) for 1 to 2 hours H/o Amnesia present

H/o photophobia

No h/o  phonophobia 


N/k/c/o HTN, DM ,Asthma, TB, Epilepsy , CVD


Pt is c/c/c 


PR- 86bpm

BP- supine - 100/60mmHg 

       Standing -90/60mmHg

RR- 16 cpm 

CVS: s1,s2 heard ,no Murmurs, 

RS:BAE+ ,no added sounds ,NVBS,  

P/A: soft, non tender


Pt adviced for admission and pt is not willing to get admitted 

Seen by 

Dr. Harika(PGy1)

[6/1, 16:12] Dr. Rakesh Biswas GM: How many patients seen today @⁨+91 93985 87059⁩ @⁨Lohith Sir GM⁩

[6/1, 16:34] +91 91007 16817: A 65 year old male came with c/o pain in right hypochondrium since 10 days 

Dragging type tenderness present

C/o b/l pedal edema 

C/o SOB Grade 2 insidious gradually progressive since 3 days 

C/o b/l loin pain non radiating

HTN since 6 years and on Telmisartan 40 mg 

Hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg amlodipine 5 mg  

Patient is a chronic alcoholic and smoker since 50 years  


N/k/c/o HTN, DM ,Asthma, TB, Epilepsy , CVD


Pt is c/c/c 


PR- 82bpm

BP- 130/80

RR- 18 cpm 

CVS: s1,s2 heard ,no Murmurs, 

RS:BAE+ ,no added sounds ,NVBS,  

P/A: abdomen appears distended 

        Umblicus- inverted 

        No shifting dullness

        No fluid thrill

        No splenomegaly

        No hepatomegaly 


Pt adviced for admission and pt is not willing to get admitted 

Seen by 

Dr. Harika(PGy1)

[6/1, 16:43] Harika Ma'am Gm: 33 patients seen out of which 

5 admissions sir

Day 5 -  Friday ( 2/6/23)

No OPD was seen as it was public holiday on occasion of Telangana formation day

Day 6- Saturday ( 3/6/23)

[6/3, 10:27] +91 91338 80836: A 45 year old female came with c/o fever since 10days associated with chills and generalised body pains 

 No h/o vomitings loose stools cough and cold

H/o hypothyroidism since 5 months for which she is using Tab. Thyronorm 50mcg

No h/o weight gain/loss , cold intolerance, heat intolerance, palpitations and fatige

N/k/c/o HTN, DM ,Asthma, TB, Epilepsy , CVD


Pt is c/c/c 


PR- 86bpm

BP- 100/70mmHg 

 RR- 16 cpm 

CVS: s1,s2 heard ,no Murmurs, 

RS:BAE+ ,no added sounds ,NVBS,  

P/A: soft, non tender


Pt adviced for admission and pt is not willing to get admitted and wanted to visit later

Seen by 

Dr. Deepika(PGY2)

[6/3, 10:30] +91 91338 80836: A 28 year old female came with c/o loss of hair and weight gain since 5 months and swelling of both lower limbs associated with pain and generalised weakness 

No h/o chest pain and palpitations 

K/c/o hypothyroidism since 5 months

N/k/c/o HTN, DM ,Asthma, TB, Epilepsy , CVD


Pt is c/c/c 


PR- 78bpm

BP- 100/80mmHg 

 RR- 18cpm 

CVS: s1,s2 heard ,no Murmurs, 

RS:BAE+ ,no added sounds ,NVBS,  

P/A: soft, non tender


Pt adviced for admission and pt is not willing to get admitted 

Seen by 

Dr. Prachetan(PGY1)

[6/3, 10:32] Dr. Rakesh Biswas GM: What did you and @⁨Deepika GM Kamineni⁩ do to help this patient and how are you going to help her more once she comes back for admission?

[6/3, 10:33] Dr. Rakesh Biswas GM: What did you and @⁨Prachethan Sir Gm⁩ do to help this patient and how are you going to help her more once she comes back for admission?

[6/3, 10:35] +91 91338 80836: A 32 year old female came for general health checkup 

K/c/o hypothyroidism since 3 yrs for which she's using Tab thyronorm 50mcg 

Pt C/o hairloss ,wt gain and generalised weakness

No h/o constipation 

N/k/c/o HTN, DM ,Asthma, TB, Epilepsy , CVD


Pt is c/c/c 


PR- 82bpm

BP- 120/80mmHg 

 RR- 17cpm 

CVS: s1,s2 heard ,no Murmurs, 

RS:BAE+ ,no added sounds ,NVBS,  

P/A: soft, non tender


Pt adviced for admission and pt is not willing to get admitted 

Seen by 

Dr. Prachetan(PGY1)

[6/3, 10:38] Dr. Rakesh Biswas GM: Appears very similar to the 28F? 

What were the actual requirements of the two women for which they came to our opd?

Was it routine testing? Is it helpful over a good history and clinical examination? Have you recorded a good history and clinical examination about them that can help more than simply testing?

[6/3, 10:39] Dr. Rakesh Biswas GM: @⁨Manogyna 2k18 Kims⁩ Who's your inheritor of the  log in the description box where all the above showing our very slow transactional progress toward our goal is supposed to be archived?

[6/3, 10:41] Manogyna 2k18 Kims: Muskaan ma’am enquired me about this sir,I think she is going to take up the work

[6/3, 10:42] Dr. Rakesh Biswas GM: @⁨Muskaan⁩ When?

[6/3, 10:43] Dr. Rakesh Biswas GM: And after 12th when she leaves?

[6/3, 10:53] Manogyna 2k18 Kims: I’ll find out sir

[6/3, 11:03] Muskaan: I have been doing sir

[6/3, 11:27] +91 99081 89365: A 16 year old female came with c/o weakness of left upper and lower limbs since 2 years  

Since childhood patient is bought to OPD with c/o weakness of left upper and lower limbs

Patient 16/F with consanguinious marriage

Birth - Absent cry so placed in icu

? Respiratory distress

? No devolopmental delay

Speech disturbance -absence speech for two years 

After two years started with words

Difficulty in walking -dragging left foot while walking

No H/0 falls, seizures, vomiting, fever

No difficulty in swallowing

No relevant family history

N/k/c/o HTN, DM ,Asthma, TB, Epilepsy , CVD


Pt is c/c/c 


PR- 86bpm

BP - 120/80mmHg      

RR- 16 cpm 

CVS: s1,s2 heard ,no Murmurs, 

RS:BAE+ ,no added sounds ,NVBS,  

P/A: soft, non tender


Tone. UL. LL

Rt. Increased Increased

Lt Increased. Increased

Power of both right and left UL and LL is 


Reflexes. B T. S. K. A. plantar

          Lt: +++. ++. ++. +++. ++. Ext


          Rt: +++. ++. +. +++. ++. Flex

Cerebellar signs : Dysdiadokinesis + on left

                                Finger nose test + on left

                                Swaying slightly 

                                wheneyes closed              

Pt adviced for admission and pt is not willing to get admitted 

Seen by 

Dr. Deepika(PGy2)

[6/3, 11:49] +91 91338 80836: A 63 year old male came with c/o numbness of rt upper and lower limb and rt half of face since 15 days 

H/o CVA 3 months back and was diagnosed as recurrent CVA with acute hemorrhagic stroke 

Lt thalamocapsular bleed and rt hemiplegia 

Pt had Tingling and numbness on rt side since 3 months and was under medication pregabalin 75mg PO/BD but not subsided 

K/c/o HTN since 10 yrs for which he's using Tab telma40 OD 

History of slurring of speech + 

No h/o headache and blurring of vision 

N/k/c/o DM ,Asthma, TB, Epilepsy , CVD


Pt is c/c/c 


PR- 84bpm

BP- 130/90mmHg 

 RR- 14cpm 

CVS: s1,s2 heard ,no Murmurs, 

RS:BAE+ ,no added sounds ,NVBS,  

P/A: soft, non tender


Tone. UL. LL

Rt. Increased normal

Lf. Increased. Normal

Power of both right and left UL and LL is 


Reflexes. B T. S. K. A. plantar

          Lt: +++. +++. ++. +++. ++. Ext 

          Rt: +++. ++. ++. +++. +. Ext

Sensory examination ( touch pain pressure) of both rt and lt upper and lower limbs are normal 

Diagnosis- ? Dejerine syndrome with CVA

Pt adviced for admission and pt is not willing to get admitted 

Seen by 

Dr. Deepika(PGY2)

[6/3, 12:25] +91 91338 80836: A 16 year old female came with c/o pain in the chest region on both sides from past 3 weeks 

C/o bloating and belching 

No h/o regurgitation of food

No h/o fever nausea and vomiting 

No h/o decreased appetite, orthopnoea, SOB and PND 

N/k/c/o DM ,Asthma, TB, Epilepsy , CVD


Pt is c/c/c 


PR- 92bpm

BP- 110/80mmHg 

 RR- 17cpm 

CVS: s1,s2 heard ,no Murmurs, 

RS:BAE+ ,no added sounds ,NVBS,  

P/A: soft, non tender


Diagnosis- dyspepsia under evaluation 

Pt adviced for admission and pt is not willing to get admitted 

Seen by 

Dr. Prachetan(PGY1)

[6/3, 12:43] +91 99081 89365: A 45 year old female came with c/o headache and neck pain since 2 months 

H/o Nausea present

Pain in the neck radiating to neck and both upper limbs

H/O fatigue 

No H/o Giddiness 

Headache is diffuse not associated with blurring of vision relieved on medication 

N/k/c/o HTN, DM ,Asthma, TB, Epilepsy , CVD


Pt is c/c/c 


PR- 84bpm

BP- 110/70mmHg 

RR- 16 cpm 

CVS: s1,s2 heard ,no Murmurs, 

RS:BAE+ ,no added sounds ,NVBS,  

P/A: soft, non tender


Diagnosis:? Cervical spondylosis

Pt adviced for admission and pt is not willing to get admitted 

Seen by 

Dr. Prachetam(PGY1)

[6/3, 12:49] +91 99081 89365: A 60 year old female came with c/o multiple joint pain rt>lt involving PIP joints and elbow joints since 3 months

C/o dragging type of pain in shoulder radiating to rt side of arm since 3 days associated with Tingling and numbness 

No h/o wt lifting 

H/o trauma to rt arm 1 and half year ago 

H/O morning stiffness for 30min 

K/c/o HTN 

N/k/c/o DM ,Asthma, TB, Epilepsy , CVD


Pt is c/c/c 


PR- 86bpm

BP- 120/80mmHg 

 RR- 18cpm 

CVS: s1,s2 heard ,no Murmurs, 

RS:BAE+ ,no added sounds ,NVBS,  

P/A: soft, non tender


Joint movements slightly restricted 

Knee crepitus present 

No tenderness 

Swelling in PIP and DIP 

Spine tenderness present 

No para spinal muscle stiffness 

Diagnosis- osteoarthritis 

Pt adviced for admission and pt is not willing to get admitted 

Seen by 

Dr. Prachetan(PGY1)

[6/3, 15:42] Vishnu Rohit KIMS: A 19 year old female came with c/o cold headache and fever since 2 days 

Fever is sudden in onset with evening rise of temperature with no aggravating factors

Headache is temporal and sudden in onset and continuos 

Cough - dry since 2 days 

H/o generalised weakness since 2 days 

No h/o vomiting, loose stools and abdominal pain 

N/k/c/o DM ,Asthma, TB, Epilepsy , CVD


Pt is c/c/c 


PR- 82bpm

BP- 120/70mmHg 

 RR- 16cpm 

CVS: s1,s2 heard ,no Murmurs, 

RS:BAE+ ,no added sounds ,NVBS,  

P/A: soft, non tender


Pt adviced for admission and pt is not willing to get admitted 

Seen by 

Dr. Prachetan(PGY1)

[6/3, 15:43] Mridul KIMS: Patient came with C/o dragging type of pain throughout body (Lt>Rt)

H/o varicose veins since 8years. 

Decrease sleep since 4 days.

Tingling and numbness + Decreased movement of left upper limb

Palpitations +

Not a k/c/o DM, HTN, Asthma, CAD, TB, Epilepsy.


Pt is c/c/c 


PR- 86bpm

BP- 130/90mmHg 

RR- 18cpm 

Fine tremors +

CVS: s1,s2 heard ,no Murmurs. 

RS:BAE+ ,no added sounds ,NVBS. 

P/A: soft, non tender


Tone. UL. LL

Rt. Normal normal

Lf. Normal. Normal

Power of both right and left UL and LL is 


Reflexes. B T. S. K. A. plantar

          Lt: +++. +++. ++. +++. ++. Ext       

          Rt: +++. ++. ++. +++. +. Ext

Sensory examination ( touch pain pressure) of both rt and lt upper and lower limbs are normal 

Pt adviced for admission and pt is not willing to get admitted. 

Seen by 

Dr. Deepika(PGY2)

[6/3, 15:56] Mridul KIMS: 50 yr. old female Pt came to OPD from Dental Opd i/v/o high BP 

C/O Pain in the tooth since month.

No h/o Blurring of vision Giddiness, fatigue.

No h/o Nausea, vomiting

No h/o SOB, pedal Edema. burning Micturition.

Not a k/c/o DM HTN TB Asthama CAD, Epilepsy.


Pt is c/c/c 


PR- 84bpm

BP- 130/70mmHg 

 RR- 14cpm 

CVS: s1,s2 heard ,no Murmurs, 

RS:BAE+ ,no added sounds ,NVBS,  

P/A: soft, non tender


Pt adviced for admission and pt is not willing to get admitted 

Seen by 

Dr. Deepika(PGY2)

[6/3, 16:07] Vishnu Rohit KIMS: A 45 year old female came with c/o pain in the lower back and neck pain radiating to lower limbs and shoulder respectively

H/o fall while walking due to slipping .since then she had pain in the left hip 

Blurring of vision +ve,associated with headache.

Morning stiffness +ve

H/o surgery for renal stones 7 years back and hysterectomy 13 years back

N/k/c/o HTN DM ,Asthma, TB, Epilepsy , CVD


Pt is c/c/c 


PR- 80bpm

BP- 110/70mmHg 

 RR- 17cpm 

CVS: s1,s2 heard ,no Murmurs, 

RS:BAE+ ,no added sounds ,NVBS,  

P/A: soft, non tender


Restriction of movements of shoulder

  Passive- painful on abduction,extension,flexion 

  Active+ rom decreased

Pt adviced for admission and pt is not willing to get admitted 

Seen by 


[6/3, 16:46] Dr. Rakesh Biswas GM: @⁨+91 93985 87059⁩ How many seen and how many admitted?

[6/3, 17:26] +91 93985 87059: 35 pts seen sir no admission from opd sir

[6/3, 17:32] +91 93985 87059: @⁨Pavitra⁩ @⁨Prachethan Sir Gm⁩ what about the long distance child (8yr).In Which dept he got admitted.


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